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新型コロナウイルス その101 Playing Hide and Seek in Hell

 Come everyone, all your twisted loves and lies!  Shut them in a cupboard, and come over to play! Ah, the pinky I lost is now far-  Now thorns pierce my heart in this hide and seek of deception!

Wherever you try to hide, all you find are demons  Wherever you try to hide, all you find are demons

Already the sun has set red, Next I’ll search for you, so should you hide that girl-  “Have you had enough?” comes dancing a deep voice, the deep love of an devil woman Yes, for we’re playing hide and seek in hell

Wherever you try to hide, all you find are demons  Wherever you try to hide, all you find are demons

Wherever you try to hide, all you find are demons  Wherever you try to hide, all you find are demons, demons, demons

Wherever you try to hide, all you find are PCRs Wherever you try to hide, all you find are PCRs

Wherever you try to hide, all you find are PCRs Wherever you try to hide, all you find are PCRs, PCRs, PCRs

Wherever you try to hide, all you find are COVID-19s  Wherever you try to hide, all you find are COVID-19s

Wherever you try to hide, all you find are COVID-19s  Wherever you try to hide, all you find are COVID-19s, COVID-19s, COVID-19s

                    by “JIGOKU KAKURENBO” of BUTAOTOME


2022.1.24. 氷川台内科クリニック 院長 櫻田 二友



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